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  • 15 days return to seller
  • Warranty not available
THB 800.00 800.00

1. Product Properties - Relieve muscle aches and joints - Relieve sprains - Helps to relax - Helps relieve dizziness And nasal congestion due to colds - Relieve symptoms caused by biting insects
2. Components / extracts / main raw materials -Methyl salicylate -Menthol -Camphor -Eucalyptus oil -Lavender oil
3. How to use - Spray the area where the symptoms are - rub the massage to increase the effectiveness of the drug - Use to inhale to relieve dizziness

Higher memory bandwidth 1,544 MHz
Higher pixel rate 74.1 GPixel/s
Apr 30, 2021

Everything is perfect. I would recommend!

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